Saturday, April 11, 2009

Life, Reading & Stitching.....

Hi Again...thanks for checking on me!

Sorry for not being able to write often. I have not been logging in since February. Have seen the number of follower been increased....I am happy o know that there are people out there enjoying my writing! Thanks !!!

I have been away travelling and busy moving back to Malaysia after nearly one and a half year living alone in China. Thank god its finally over and I managed to keep my relationship with Rozi and the children even stronger. I finish off my work contract end of January and back to Malaysia for a while. Then flew back middle of March to sort out packing my stuffs into boxes. As usual, Rozi was very helpful, a week after I flew to China he came to help me packing and I returned his good deed by treating him to a journey to Shangri La, Yunan. We backpacked for 6 days visiting Kunming, Lijiang and Shangri La on our own. Later on, I hope to have a chance to write on our adventure with some beautiful pictures here.

Despite of being busy travelling, working and juggling my time between work and family, I managed to finish quite a number of books since my last update, Till We Meet Again by Lesley Pearse, For One more Day by Mitch Albom, The Ultimate Guide to Umrah by Abu Muneer Ismail Davids and Haj Travelog by Mohamad Kamil Ibrahim. I am glad that I am finally able to start reading some book on visiting Mecca and Madinah. I have been trying very hard to improve myself to be better Muslim and keep hoping Allah will answer my prayers. I am truly bless with good life and always thankful for that!!

On my stitching front, I mailed out my piece for Swap with Nina 2 weeks behind date line....I hope the package had arrived Hungary in good order. Thanks to Nina for your understanding!. My partner Rita, send the package on time and she made me beautiful pinkeep and small scissor fob. She also send a copy of cross stitch magazine from Hungary. I love them all! Thanks Rita! I took the photos but too lazy to climb the stair to get the camera and upload the photos here....will do that in my next entry.......

I have two more stitching swap to be complete, a biscornu for Lynn at Stitching Fingers in UK and a Mother's Day card for a local stitcher. I use RE for the card and finished it off while I was off for Labor Day weekend in Kuantan. I also need less than 30 min stitching to complete my "COMFORT" thread pack. I guess after all it's not to bad as I managed to complete quite a bit of reading and stitching at the same time.

I may not be able to write often after this as I might be busy preparing my self for some soul searching for my spiritual journey to Mecca (with god will!!...)...I hope to be able to spend more time doing my prayers and fasting whenever possible, and subsequently making a change in life towards being a better Muslim. I am also feel very grateful that Rozi had taken my good intention positively and willing to be part of it........ but nevertheless, I will try my best to allocate sometime to write if the opportunity arise......

I hope to share with all of you the beautiful photos of my backpacking adventure to Yunnan in my next journal. Till then....happy stitching and may god bless all of you with good life and lots of love............