Monday 28th May was the 1st day I am on diet..hhhmmm... I had decided that I should not eat rice, take less sugar ( I had set my rule that I can only take one teaspoon a day), drink more plain water and start taking the green tea which my good friend, Chen, gave me during his visit to our house last year. I also set a target that within 6 months I will lost 18kgs. In short, I should loose 3kgs a month (average 0.80++ kgs a week....arrggghhhhhh...)..I have so far successful this week in sticking to my regime but still can;t stop my craving for rice...I am still taking rice but only about 1 table spoon just to satisfy my craving....I hope there will be 0 rice next week...I start my routine with coffee & creamer (according to the book that I read from Atkin diet, it's ok to take creamer...hhhmmm...) and half bowl of cereal with low fat milk....I had restricted myself to only consume wheat bread, using low fat milk instead of coconut milk in my cooking, eat lots of vegetable as my main dish and no more snack in between meal. No more meat in the house. In the event that I am hungry, I can only take cereal with low fat milk or taking green beans....hhhmmmm....Rozi is very happy with my new attitude and he is always watching me on dinner table...the dateline is in November...I had also resticted that I can only check my weight end of the month (1st due in 28th June)......
The reward....
I had set my own monthly reward once I had successfully trim my kilos.....
June - Juicer machine (yeahh I need one to prepare more fresh fruit juice in the house...)
July - DMC Color Variation Set (I had been eyeing this from the day they launch it!!..still keeping my finger cross...)
Aug - Shopping my stitching need online (there are a few that I have been checking already..)
Sept - A trip to my favorite craft shop & spend RM100 on my stitching thread & fabrics
October - Nice & quiet evening with Rozi since our birthday falls in October (we were borned 3 days apart...)
November - Holiday trip in conjunction with our 17th wedding anniversary (we had choose to fly to island of god...hhhhmmm...I guess if I am successful in losing my weight, it will be the best anniversary gift for Rozi...)
I received bad new from my boss that he is not renewing his contract in Malaysia and had decided to go back to the UK. It is also partly due to the project getting lesser here....he also mentioned that some of us will be send to China...hhhmmmm...considering the place it could be disaster for us...I just put the thought aside for the time being...but, I had figured it out in case it happen I should be prepared to bring more stitching supplies to kill the time at a boring place.....whatever it is I may just accept wherever destiny may take me...ha...ha....ha...
My youngest sister Adda pay a visit on sunday nite, her children had requested that I cook some western dinner. She is in town for school holiday. I had decided to prepare some dory fish & chips, salad with blue cheese dressing and baked macaroni n cheese.....but at the last minute my daughter changed the menu to roast chicken instead of fish & chips.....I use some dried basil & rosemary on the chicken and stuffed some onion, garlic and potatoes... there goes my diet plan.....too bad that I totally forgotten to snap the photo (see age is really cathing up.....)
Rozi came back the other day from work and surprise me with the latest handphone model S500i series (yes, someone in RTP might be reading my blog...ha...ha...)...but I still can't let go of my walkman series....sorry Darl I have to admit I love my W810 more than the latest one....thanks anyway for the thought .....that's what happen if you are not into gadget...anyhow I will try to figure out on how to operate the phone as not to discourage Rozi to bring me new one next time (ha...ha....ha...)
Father's Day is around the corner and I have not decided what type of gift I should get for Rozi....I guess I will settle for Touch n Go card that he may need....I can write anything here since he is too busy to notice .....
On my creative fingers...I sew some beads on my youngest girl rhythamic costume, Nadhirah a.k.a is just for her training costume..I choose simple pattern with my own design...she is very proud of my work and can't wait for her next session to show it off to her coach. Thanks to her coach, Af, for giving me the go for this. I am trying to give her some motivation to train harder while she is at she is on her costume...
On my WIP.....i managed to almost completing my Tulip Quartet last week but have to put on hold since I had decided to stitch someone a gift (last minute decision) for my cyber stitching buddy, Anasue...after scratching my head on the pattern, I finally decided to stitch scissor fob from Laura's design from Passionericamo. It is a very lovely pattern and easy to stitch since it only require one color thread. Anasue had been asking a favor for me to buy Sentiment & Saying from J Elliot since it's difficult to get a copy at her place. She had to wait for months for the shipment to arrive at a local bookstore just because someone had screwed up my order. The sales girl released the stock meant for me to another stitcher at a different bookstore branch. I had a word with the store manager and he promise to place another copy but I have to wait longer. Hhhhmmmm....there goes the pain of waiting!!! So to make her day I had also decided to put some stash together for Anasue ...some linen fabric I bought during my visit to Beijing, some button from my Jesse James fall & tiny bug collection, thread, scissors, cotton fabric, batting, a few needle etc...I hope she will enjoy the little give I gave her.......
This is the front portion of the fob. I choose DMC no 814 out of my stock....the fabric DMC aida 14ct..I hand dyed to lite 1st hand dye fabric...I had another color Navy blue waiting in line......
At the back portion, I stitched her name, my initial and the year...I stitch the same rose from one of freebie website (it seems that I can't remember who is the designer of this rose...could it be Laura ....hhhhmmmm....gotto check this one...)
I had finally complete the wedding gift for my
nephew Khairil. I will snap the photo again when
it is fully assemble on the weeding day.
I have plan to stitch some of the Lizzie Kate freebie soon....I guess it's time to line up all the stitching plan here so that I can see my own achivement....
Will come up soon with more stitching stuffs n the photo of my orchids blooming...
Peace to the world & happy stitching!!! Ooopss thanks for dropping by...