I received my order from Jane of Neddle Little Love last Thursday and was delighted to have received my order which I had wanted for so long.....some patterns from Little House Needleworks, Lizzie Kate and Waxing Moon. She also include one small pattern from Prairie Schooler...(thxxx Jane for the lovely package!!)..The parcel reached me right before I am stepping out of the my office to have a lunch date with my buddy stitcher Miya so I took the opportunity to share viewing with her...

I am so excited that on Friday night I started to check on my floss inventory for the Waxing Moon Design "My Needle and My Floss". I have to put aside temporarily the stitching of "Bouquet for Cheryl" since I will have enough time till my target date ie end of Sept.
I managed to find most of the DMC thread and started stitching them at 12am the same night. I spend 3 hours in the middle of the night stitching on my bed with the light from my stitching lamp. Half way through Rozi woke up and asked me why am I still wide awake stitching .....there it goes once you had been attacked by the xs addiction....
I came to know this design the first time when I visited Barbara at Sanguine Stitcher. I guess it would be nice to hang this work on my dining hall for my guest to let them know about my seriuos hobby. I hope to finish this piece before end of next week.

Title : "My Needle and My Floss" by Waxing Moon Design
Fabric : 28ct linen
Thread : Mix of DMC, Anchor and Carrie's Creation
I have to finish my "Bouquet for Cheryl" before I move on to the rest of the three patterns....but I guess I can stitch the Lizzie Kate's "Cross Stitcher in Residence" for my weekend project....yeaaahhhh my fingers are also itching to start the Waxing Moon's "House of Needle Worker".....
I been thinking of rearranging my blog, updating the finish projects and adding my latest discovery of my favorite links but so far I do not have enough time to do so....
Till then H a p p y S t i t c h i n g............