Hello again..I was supposed to get some photos of our Beijing trip from Rozi's laptop but keep on forgetting them (yeeahhh sign of aging I guess...LOL.....)
I was wondering around one fine evening after having some minor misunderstanding with Rozi during one of our lenghty chatting session when I bump into a shop selling Ribbon Embroidery kit. This is the first shop I discover selling RE kits since I came to town in Dec 2007. I bought one basic kit and started right away when I reach home. It took me about 2 days to finish it into cushion cover.
My 1st Ribbon embroidery piece...completed in June 08...I have yet to send this piece to the tailor for sewing to turn it into cushion cover.

My 2nd piece...finish for framing...completed in June 08

These are among my first RE piece and I enjoying every minute of doing it......I have been planning to go for a class organize by a talented lady, Umi (btw, her work is really superb and her color selection is very beautiful...full of English colors...)....the kit I bought came with completed step by step instruction (of course all in Chinese...but I managed to figure it out with the help of the shop owner who does not speak any single English word!!)....but the shop owner is very helpful and she keep on reminding me to come back in case I didnt understand the instruction .......I shown to Rozi and the kids through webcam once I had completed the piece, as usual not much response of excitement or comments from my other half...I guess he had been used to my hobby since we first met (my 1st gift for him is a small cross stitch piece....)...but the girls was so excited and amazed of the piece since that was the first time they saw a ribbon turn into small flower and leaf..........I have plan to start working on another kit (thought of SAL with a few of my cyber stitching friends..) but have to put on hold to make way for the rest of project in the pipeline....LOL.......
I also picked a few kits for my stitching friend back home in Malaysia. I hope they like it and enjoy making them into the cushion cover.
Started my collection on RE kits.......I hope not too much by the time I leave for good......LOL ..
Pouch Bag

Frame Piece

Cushion Cover

Frame Piece

My other crafting project for June-July-Aug 2008.....i guess this will occupy my time till September.........
Bookmark exchange June
My first exchange for bookmark also my 1st handmade bookmark. Very simple piece and I hope the ladies will like it...

Cross stitch card swap July-Sept 08...2 of my completed piece....another 9 pieces to go...I have to find a way to cut the hole of the color paper to assemble this stitching piece into beautiful card.....I guess this will be my weekend task wondering around Jinhua looking for a frame shop to do this since they may have some cutting tools for this purpose.....

This piece "Little Rose" is a stitch along activity with my buddy stitcher Eyna...stitch on my greentea hand dyed linen......but I m not so sure what to finish this into...can anyone give some suggestion.....
Eyna....if you are reading my entry...sorry babe I guess I have to disclose this bad news to you....LOL.......

BTW, got this beautiful mag from one of Rozi's engineers, Siti, during my last trip back. Thanks Siti..you are always very thoughtful...the last trip in Feb I got "O" mag from her....I think this is the way god give me back in return to my giving spirit whenever I am back to Malaysia...the bouquet of tulip featured on the front page really caught my eye...I wonder when I will have enough time to stitch them.....anyone wanna do SAL with me ???

Some of the mags I managed to grab while I was in Malaysia last month....I still can't help to get rid of my bad habits of buying xs mags

I guess that's about it for this time...till then.....H a P P y S t I T c H i N G.......
Life is beautiful and full of love........