Hi All...I am saddened to hear the passing of one of my favorite designer, Sheila Hudson in March. Her work is always shared and displayed in the Cross Stitch Collection or other cross stitchers magazine in the UK.

Scribbles of a Cyber Mom and Long distance wife living alone in a foreign land, fullfulling her free time by cross stitching, cooking, baking and stashing...........
Finally, after months of delay, I managed to put my final touch on all the cards. I will be saying goodbye to my other half this weekend and he will bring along the cards back to Malaysia for mailing to the organizer.
My creative fingers are busy putting togather the tiny winny things on the card......see how I spilled all over the table my tiny roses just to pick and play with the colors against the card.
Wrapped with satin ribbon, labels with recipient names and inserted a small Crossitch Bookmark kits inside the card.......ready to sail back to Malaysia.....
For my fellow swapper, hope all of you enjoy the cards and thanks for participating ......I appreciate your company!!!
On my stitching update, received my charts order all the way from Utah, all from my favorite designers......LHN, CCN & LK...goooosshhhh they are all soooo lovelyyyy........and can be lasted for rest of my 2009 stitching ......LOL...
Then, right away start stitching the thread pack of "COMFORT" by LHN....my first stitching experience using the Crescent Colors.....brilliant!!! Love the soft color Diane picked for this thread pack. The color change gradually compared to the rest of the hand dyed floss I use before. Diane does have a good taste and lovely design of all her thread packs. I had also put up my order for her Coffee & Tea thread series already.....that will be my last chart spending for this year (hopefully....evil grin!!!). Diane latest creative ideas on "Sea To Shining Sea" really caugh my eye....way goes my $$ again......got to start my piggy bank for those series for my 2009 purchase!! (goosshh provided I stitch whatever I have first on LHN.....good motivational excuse for puchase of new charts...LOL... ;)
The frog came for a visit for this one, how I hate that!!!...when that happen, it really spoiled all my stitching mood......if you notice, I had miscounted the blackbird at the right side.....lesson learn from this one, do not take your stitching for granted....it looks easy but it's not.....cause for me I got carried away while stitching this one!! At the same time, I also started my SAL for the Thanksgiving ornaments but unfortunately had forgotten to take a picture of my stitching....I almost finish my small piece....should do that before the 30th .....
I guess that's about it...I was not able to spend so much time on my laptop while I am home as the kids are with me in China now.....in fact, I wrote this entry during my lunch hour in the office....nevertheless, I still have a few hours at nite stitching.....
Till then, I hope you had a very good Thanksgiving holiday and to my long lost friend, Betsy from Sturgeon, in case you come for a visit, it's nice to rekindle the friendship after so many years of silence.....I miss your pumpkin pie!!!
For those celebrating the X'mas....I bet all of you are busy putting up your tree by now....and lighting the house......I miss the bright lighting along the neighbourhood at Rosemary Lane, Collage Avenue and University Avenue...........
Happy weekend stitching....
Stitch your stress awayyy.....
Ueya, Adam, Rozi, myself and Wawa minus Yong.......
Rozi and his troop....
Also, a beautiful piece of cross stitch finish into a wall clock which I found in one of the local shop here..........I almost bought the kit but the stock unavailability had save my pocket!!!
I shall be updating all my stitching status and 2009 stitching plan & resolution here in my next entry. But first, I have to be organize.....go through all my charts, select which one to be stitch, checking & make a list of all my WIPs/UFO, make full use of my aida's and linen stash.....and importantly list all my 2009 stitching plan.....till then...Happy stitching!!
Stitch your stress awaaayyy...
Stitching this piece really take more time than I am expecting. Initially I thought I can finish within 6 hours of total stitching, It prove me wrong. I only managed to finish one side of the border last weekend. Maybe I focus another 50% of my attention to watch the movie. That took me 3 movies all togather (LOL...).....Definitely Maybe, The Holiday and Mamma Mia.....
Finally I had decided to frame the finish piece instead of making it into a pinkepp. I hope to finish stitching tonight but looks like I am going to be busy cleaning and preparing for a night stay in Hangzhou since the kids will be here tomorrow.
On another stitching update, Carol reply my email on my request for HOE......allow me to celebrate with happy dance....thanks to Catherine and Carol ...looking forward for another interesting stitching activity
I have been peeking into 123stitch shop off late....that is not a good sign!! I have been thinking of ordering some CCN, LK and LHN charts........I definatley need some professional help!!! Help me god.
That's it for my short update....I guess I will have to revisit Windy Willow's Little Roses next weekend also my biiigggeesstt project the big Roses....goosshhh.....
Till then...happy stitching and hope you have a productive week ahead...
Another set of kit I bought from local shop....
I guess that's about it......till then Happy Stitching........
Where do I start writing?. Well....we met in a foreign land when both of us were 18 and our first date was at Wendy’s. It was winter and we went for bowling after the dinner. I beat you that nite! And up until now I can still brag to you about my winning. But you said, you lost the game but had won my heart. Some interesting discovery the first time knowing you were born 3 days apart, both of us start reading the news paper from the back and we wear the watch at the right wrist. Both of us like Alleycat’s songs. How coincident! Actually I guess that was the main reason we met. I had forgotten to bring any Malaysian songs and had decided to borrow your cassette. That is how it happens. From then onward, you always call me and we click instantly. But in actual fact, I already noticed you while both of us in the orientation program in Malaysia because you were the only boy who wear white uniform with significant height.